Monday, February 23, 2009

Never In Anger

I found this book to be one of the more enjoyable readings this semester. I enjoyed learning something new, rather than reading the hypotheses and general ranting of computer scientists.

In this book, Jean Briggs spends 17 months studying the Utku Eskimo tribe. Although she was disappointed in her original hope to study the shamanistic practices of a pre-Christianity tribe, she was successful in studying the language and everyday life of the Utku. She learned that although Eskimos do their best to control any display of anger or agression, their are genuine tender feelings among friends and family.

I enjoyed reading a different genre of book this time. I also enjoyed learning about an isolated tribe. I found the eskimos to have an interesting society. While they frown on outward displays of anger, I felt that the resulting channeling of ill feeling in forms of passive aggressiveness and gossip were quite disturbing.

Overall, I thought this was an interesting read, especially since this work was done 50 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. The Utku are definitely not people that you want to upset. Their passive aggressiveness reminds me of some of the murders you see on truTv. I also found it to be one of the more enjoyable reads of the semester
